674. Sunday 21st April 2019.Skin cancer, table tennis, Easter and Tasmania re-visited…

Monday 15th April

Last week I visited a skin specialist as I had a growth on my left high which in my opinion had not been there the week before. The doctor agreed it was suspect so took a biopsy. Today I returned for the news. Back in February I had a similar situation being diagnosed with multifocal basal cell carcinoma. That was on my upper arm and the removal required 6 sutures. The growth on my leg was the same although he was a little more concerned. As he brought out his knife and fork I asked how deep was the cut. No reply but it felt like he was lifting something out of my thigh and cutting it. Next question was how many sutures. Oh about six ish was his reply. He covered it with large band aid and said do not get it wet for two days and see me in two weeks.

Tuesday 16th April

Flu shot this morning.

In a bid to do exercise which makes me sweat and burn calories I asked two of our stronger table tennis players to play singles this afternoon. By the end of two hours I was drenched in sweat and was worn out. I am sure I burned many calories this afternoon. The other players were likewise effected and promised they would play again…anytime.

I need to lose 4 Kg before my next visit to the gastro enterologist. I suppose between reducing meal sizes, table tennis twice a week, riding the bike, line dancing and walking everywhere I should achieve my target. Although a fatty liver is the diagnosis I still need to lose weight but the stomach is the last place which loses girth but this is the only way it can be done short of surgery.

I did see an ad on the back of a bus for liposuction. Hmmm!

Wednesday 17th April

Today I rode to The Broadwater and along the Esplanade to Lands End and back then rode home. As I left the village I noticed the film crew, making a movie called Bloody Hell are still working on the movie. About 50 people (cast and crew) were eating breakfast in the carpark of what was once a specialist supermarket, bakery, deli, butcher, green grocer, fromagerie, fish monger and a couple of restaurants. The building has been sold and will soon be converted into a three story public storage complex. In the meantime this is the second week of filming

In the afternoon I asked for a table tennis re-match but suddenly my opponents from yesterday are too tired. These are the same ones who told me…anytime.

Thursday 18th April

In the morning we had our monthly morning tea. About 40 people turned up expecting to hear a guest speaker from Associated Residential Parks Queensland a sort of union for people like ourselves who live in a private community. Unlike a union they do not squeeze loads of money out of us, do not resort to thuggery with members or employers and do not expect us to march and chant slogans and do not do questionable activities. The guest speaker was called away on urgent business. A resident, Barry, who was once in charge of Qld Ambulance, gave an impromptu talk on pain. Barry still keeps a first aid kit at home and is often called upon for falls and cuts and gives first aid and comfort until an ambulance arrives.

Tonight we played table tennis. Usually we play doubles. As a lark we played 2 games of triples. It was an interesting experience trying to get people to take turns in order. My team won.

Friday 18th April

Another morning tea, this time a special with hot cross buns being supplied. One of our villagers has recently returned from a trip to the Antarctic. I used about 100 of his photos to display via our computer to the large 75 inch smart tv.

I also carried out barista duties along with fellow committee member Shirley, making about 60 cups of espresso coffee. I recall the opposition from other committee members when I first suggested this idea. They reluctantly agreed to give it a trial run last year. It proved so popular that everybody expects good coffee at every event. It’s a lot of work but I enjoy the interaction and mostly people do not mind queuing up for a capucchino.

In the afternoon I got another 2 hour workout at table tennis. Once again drenched in sweat, exhausted, sore muscles but happy.

Saturday 20th April and Sunday 21st April.

It’s Easter. We stayed home and listened to the rain.

Sunday morning I played 90 minutes of hard fought table tennis. More seat and exhaustion, Surely this will have an effect and he lose weight.

This week I have also been researching my old photos from our trip to Tasmania in March April and May 2009.

bruny boat adventure
We were on an adventure boa out of Bruny Island Tasmania. I have never been so cold being exposed to the chill air at 43 degrees south. Well, maybe I was a little colder at Prince Edward Island Canada at 46 degrees north.

Many of my photos from our travels were overlooked t the time as I thought they were not good enough.

cape reserche
Cape Reserche as seen from Cockle Creek Tasmania

With a different viewpoint and a good editing App, those photos have taken on a new life.

coles bay
Coles Bay dawn.

During the same period, that is, from 15th April to 21st April we were at Cockle Creek,

escape cottage
A safe anchorage at Cockle Creek.

Bruny Island

Cormorants on an isolated guanno encrusted rock off the wild coast of Bruny Island.

and Coles Bay.

fur seals
A herd of Australian Fur Seals on another isolated rock off Bruny Island.
moulting lagoon
Moulting Lagoon near Coles Bay.
road to moulting lagoon
Dirt track on the way to a hidden campsite at Moulting Lagoon.
tassie trawler
Another example of a tidy Tasmanian Trawler seen at Cockle Creek.
wineglass bay
Donnis on rocks above Wineglass Bay near Coles Bay.


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